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Git is the most commonly used version control system, which is mostly used to store project code. It tracks changes developers make to files and allows them to revert to specific versions of the project. Git has a remote repository, which is stored in a server, and a local repository, which is stored in the computer of each developer. It makes the development process faster and smoother, allowing merging several changes made by multiple developers into one source. Git helps developers work on different parts of the same file and merge those changes without losing each other’s work.

Why Git for eCommerce   

Faster Development Process and Modularization 

The best eCommerce development solutions company uses Git to work on multiple components simultaneously (several features, bugs, etc.). For example, if you don’t need a specific functionality on your website anymore, your developers will hardly remove its code from the base without any issues. Git “branches” solve this development issue and allow developers to revert your project to the needed version.

Testing and Experimentation 

Git encourages testing new features you want to introduce to your online store without affecting the current version. Simply put, it provides developers with an environment where they can explore and develop new features for your business. Moreover, Git allows creating multiple branches that approach a given problem from different angles. Then, test each of them with your master branch (the current version of your project), and choose the best option for your eCommerce project.

Fast Troubleshooting 

Even a single mistake can cost an online business a fortune. Fortunately, Git allows developers to fix every issue instantly. When your development team gets an opportunity to undo specific things, it bestows the confidence of incorporating new ideas and strategies into a project. With Git, developers don’t need to worry about breaking anything on your website as they can fix any possible problem as soon as it arises.

Full Control Over the Project’s Code 

Git’s “commit” feature records alterations introduced by the developers to the source code of a project. It lets developers have a clear picture of the changes on a molecular level. The version control system will disclose all the changes to the source code. It helps to compare two versions of one file or pinpoint the differences between commits. This feature facilitates the development process in case of changing a development team for your project.

Data Integrity 

Developers using Git have a full-fledged copy of the project on the machine, including all the changes they committed since starting the work on your project. If your developers use a remote repository of the source code, the chances of losing anything during backup failures significantly go down. Moreover, if backup goes wrong or something stops it, you won’t lose any data if a dev team uses Git as it allows restoring everything within minutes.

Git Installation 

Starts from $150

Julietta Kasparova

Julietta Kasparova

Julietta is a partnership manager at Mobecls who enjoys foreign languages and literature, traveling. She can't live without communication and meeting new people. Always ready for a talk on LinkedIn, so don't be afraid to make the first step.