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Hi there!

I’ve collected links that can be useful for Magento coders. I’ve got them on MageConf 2017.

The first day of the conference was dedicated to a bug (issues) fix Magento. These issues are located on Github (Magento 2 issues). If you want to be assigned to the certain bug you have to put #mageconf into the comment. Pay attention to the e-mail in the pull request, it should be equal in the local git and on the Github.

If you have fixed a bug or revealed another bug while searching for the solution, you’ll definitely get a gift from Magento company: T-shirt and thermos bottle 🙂

Links list:

  • Here is one more project community initiative project MSI that was created especially for community (see MSI Roadmap)
  • The community has its own channel in Slack. If you want to be added to this channel, you need to send an e-mail to [email protected] with a request for adding to General channel.
  • All extensions on the marketplace are reviewed for coding standards. The code’s standard can be checked with this: vendor/bin/phpcs –standard=psr2 <path-to-module>
    The process of code review is long (a week at least). The recommendations for the process speeding-up are at Github (Magento Extension Quality Program)
  • Tests that are used for Magento 2:
    – Unit

    – Integration
    – WedApi
    – Functional
    Unit has a good rating. I’ve decided to use tests more often because it is really useful.
    Read the info for correct configuration of unit phpstorm at Running Unit test in PHPStorm.
  • If you have questions about Magento migration (from 1.x to 2.x), you can post them Magento.Stackexchange or at Github (Magento Data Migration tool).
    It is good to learn the docs before doing migration.
    See also information on Github.
  • Twitter account of MSI progect leader.
  • And, of course, I have to put these must-to-read recommendations in my post: Magento guide.
  • Cool blog with posts about Magento 2 tips.
  • Find SSH / CLI commands for Magento 2 in terminal sudo php bin/magento

I want to mention the information that was new to me. Short commands can be written in this way:

module:enable - mod:en
setup:upgrade - set:up
cache:clean - c:c
module:status - mod:st

Unfortunately, the docs of short commands aren’t represented but you can try to type them in different ways.

I want to admit that Magento team has a well-organized working process. Every task is assigned to 4 developers and team members are changed every 2 weeks. The answer to any question at Hackathon was provided rapidly. Everybody was willing to help!

Vladimir Repalo

Vladimir Repalo

Magento Developer at Mobecls, 8+ years of experience. Feel free to ask me anything about this post in the comments below.