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There’s no secret that the world’s pandemic has significantly changed customer behavior boosting eCommerce. Besides the increase in online sales, numerous merchants struggle with poor organic traffic and low conversion rates. Probably, the lack of attention to SEO is the main reason for it. However, it’s even more important during corona times than before. Everyone has moved online, so your store needs to be visible on the Net.

Furthermore, if you configure SEO now, it pays for itself not only today but after the lockdown too. The brands that ignore search engine optimization right now will be left behind in the future. That’s why our team has completed a list of easy-to-go SEO tips to help you perform well during COVID-19.

SEO Optimization Tips During the Pandemic

Assign Redirects for Out-of-Stock Products

This tip is the most essential one during the corona times as almost every merchant faces inventory shortages. Redirects implementation helps product pages with out-of-stock products to retain their value. Simply put, Google won’t mark them as 404 pages and remove them from its index.

If a product is temporarily unavailable, you can update this page to inform customers that Product X is currently out-of-stock and offer them:

  • A link to a similar product
  • Visiting a category page that includes the out-of-stock product

If a product is out of stock permanently, it’s better to use 301 redirects to a similar product page or higher-level categories if you don’t have similar products.

Update Meta Descriptions

On the backdrop of shipping and inventory issues, you should be transparent with customers. The best way to do it is to include shipping and returns information to meta descriptions. Potential customers want to see whether you still ship products, and they want to see this info right in search results. Keep in mind that all your meta descriptions must have a clear call-to-action, page content description, and be no longer than 160 characters.

Evaluate New Popular Pages

Look through your Google Analytics and list the pages that bring the highest revenue. Pay attention to those that started performing better than before. Conduct keyword research to these product or category pages as customers use different queries. The idea is to update your titles, meta descriptions, and so on to make them more relevant by adding new keywords.

Review Well-Converting Pages

Use Google Analytics to review the most converting pages. Then, use Google Search Console to define the keywords that drive traffic to these pages. If you have keywords that increase conversion rate, but you don’t use them on landing pages, update them by including related terms.

Look for New Potential Best-Sellers

Use Google Trends to find trending search terms. If you can use these trends to create new categories or subcategories of your existing products, just do it. Furthermore, include trending terms and other relevant keywords in the page’s copy.

Relevant Content

As people spend more time online these days, there’s a demand for informational searches rather than transactional queries. It’s the right to create a blog page or an informational section with buying guides. Such content helps to win customers’ minds converting them into buyers.

Furthermore, this content should be created around trending topics and keywords. However, you shouldn’t blindly abuse coronavirus topics for views. If you want to help people, include some services like webinars or online courses to drive people to your website.

SEO Audit

Lockdown is the best time to fix issues that impact the overall organic performance of your website. For example, it’d be nice to find broken links and assign 301 redirects to similar products or categories. Furthermore, we advise merchants to pay attention to site speed analysis as proper page speed load will boost conversion rate not only right now but in the future.

If you don’t know what to start with or need some need help, feel free to ask our specialists.


seo_ico SEO optimization of Your Magento Website During the PandemicMobecls team provides basic and advanced SEO audits, SEO and performance optimization services. We are SEO-focused development company that specializes in Magento | Adobe Commerce. It means that we know what and how to fix SEO issues, taking into account your UX, Marketing and Business specifics. 

Veronika Lutovich

Veronika Lutovich

Partnership Manager at Mobecls who is really passionate about eCommerce and enjoys writing about the latest trends, news and products.