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Live URL Redirect Extension
33 websites have installed
Extension Package For Magento 1.6
Provided as it is. No support.
Extension Features
- redirect from any website (dev site, HTTPS, etc);
- redirect to the same page;
- configurable URL’s parameter;
- accessible admin area.
Business Issue
Live URL Redirect extension for Magento doesn’t let customers land on dev pages. Sometimes, ordinary users accidentally visit pages that are still in development. It leads to customer losses and missed orders as they try to buy products that are not real. Moreover, Google indexes dev pages, showing them in search results, which also badly affects your sales.
After the installation go to System > Configuration > Live Url Redirect (or Host Restrictions).
Configure the next 3 fields:
- Source HTTP host. Set URLs that shouldn’t be open.
- Target HTTP host. Set redirects.
- URL param to Login. Set which URLs you want to be opened without redirects.